Feeling Sad is Powerful

It’s true that feeling sad is not an ideal emotion. It’s normal to prefer happiness, though sometimes we have no choice but to feel sad, and that is okay. Every emotion is valid and worth expressing.
Since emotions are energy in motion, it is necessary to feel through them. When we suppress these emotions, it can lead to depression or further unhappiness. Simply feel the emotions and all of the thoughts that are going through your mind. It takes a strong individual to sit with their sadness and approach it head-on. Crying is a sign of strength, not weakness.
To help you feel safe when faced with feelings of sadness, here are some tips that may help you.


Sometimes it’s easier and more comfortable to write in a journal than to speak to others. Write down the feelings or thoughts that you are going through. Acknowledge the state that you are in. When you write down what is held inside of your body, you are releasing these feelings further. It will feel like a relief when you are done.

Positive Affirmations

When you are sad or crying, remind yourself that you are going to be okay. Everything is going to be okay. You are safe. You are releasing all of these heavy emotions as you feel them. This will make you feel better because you are not feeding into negative thoughts by calling yourself weak or focusing on how you don’t like feeling the way you do.

This Too Shall Pass

Though you might have a sad day that lasts longer than you’d like it to, remember that there’s going to be happy moments in your future again. Heavy emotions seem like they’re going to last forever, but they are not. They are temporary. 

Accept All Emotions

When we deem emotions good or bad or label them positive or negative, it can drag us further down. We feel sad and immediately correlate that to being “bad.” Sadness is an emotion just like the rest of them and it will not last forever. Accept all emotions as they come to you and provide yourself with the support and confidence to know that you can handle all that comes your way because you can.

How to Unsubscribe from Toxic Relationships

Toxic relationships can be with friends, lovers, or family members. They are draining, unfulfilling, and can be emotionally, physically, spiritually, and psychologically damaging. When you view posts from a specific account you follow on social media and you realize that you don’t want to follow them anymore, you will unfollow them. The same tactic can be used in real life with real relationships.

The Importance of Boundaries

Boundaries teach others how to respect and treat you. They are necessary to have in order to maintain a happy and healthy life. Without them, it can lead to burnout. When you have boundaries, you will fill yourself with self-respect, self-care, and self-love.

How to Set Boundaries

Whether in the workplace or in your personal life, boundaries must be set. You can set them by communicating. Start by saying no without feeling guilty, making sure you are treated as an equal, saying yes because you want to, not feeling responsible for someone else’s happiness, asking for what you want, defining your own life, and fulfilling your own needs. Telling people how you want to be treated is key to any healthy and successful relationship.

Eliminate Contact

Some people will get angry when you set boundaries. Continue to set them anyway. If you voice your feelings and the person does not listen to you and continues to mistreat you, it is okay to cut contact. This is especially true with toxic relationships in your life. Just as you would remove a specific account from your social media because you don’t want to view their posts or unsubscribe from certain e-mails that you do not want to receive anymore, you can apply that to your relationships. You can block a person’s number if you don’t want to be contacted by them anymore. You can stop spending time with people who decrease your self-worth and who do not view you as an equal. 

By taking your power back and “unsubscribing” from toxic relationships, the quality of your life will drastically improve.