How to Keep Your Dog Calm During Fireworks

Many dogs become anxiety-ridden when the sound of fireworks reaches their eardrums. There are a few tips you can use if your dog happens to be scared of fireworks. First, look up where fireworks will be in your area in order to plan ahead. The best option would be to take your dog to a friend’s house or anywhere they won’t be able to hear the noise. If that’s not an option, here are a few other tips:

Keep Your Dog Inside

Keep Your Dog Far Away From the Noise

If there’s a certain room where the fireworks don’t sound as loud, take your dog there. You want to get them as far away from the noise as possible.

Entertain Your Dog

You can try to distract your dog using treats or toys. Since the dog will be scared, you can brighten up its time by giving it a treat. Sometimes playing with your dog can distract it from the outside noise as well. This will bring your pet relief and happiness. 

Use Your Clothing

During a time where dogs feel scared and not safe, they might be drawn to an article of clothing of yours. This will decrease their anxiety. You can wrap them in your sweatshirt or a shirt. They may even be drawn to your presence. Pet them and comfort them the best you can.

Seek Out A Vet’s Diagnosis

If there seems to be no cure, you can contact your vet. There may be an underlying issue and they will be able to help your pet.

How to Prepare Your Chickens for Autumn

Though autumn is a rather stress-free month for chicken care, there are quite a few steps to take to prepare chickens for it. Here a few factors and tips to keep in mind.


The natural, 1-3 month process of shedding feathers and growing new ones. It usually starts at the end of summer or the beginning of autumn. During this process, chickens will need more protein and free range to roam. They can benefit from protein-rich black oil sunflower seeds during this time.


Parasites, fleas, and mites cause much discomfort to chickens. The best way to rid of these predators is to thoroughly clean the coop and birds. Parasites would be under the wings and in between feathers. By cleaning out the coop and providing them a new one, the birds will live mite free. It would be beneficial to give the birds as well as the coop a dust bath. 


With autumn comes high protein food to feed chickens. Sweetcorn, pumpkin, apples, and berries are great options to feed the birds.


Clean out cobwebs and check for spiders, mites, and leaks. It’s important to use a disinfectant to rid of any bacteria or lingering pests before making new bedding. Make sure there aren’t any drafts, as it could lead to moisture which will make your chickens sick. To prepare for unwanted pests, secure windows and put up a secure fence.


Chickens need water every day. To avoid it from freezing, use a large plastic tub. Don’t put it directly on the ground as it will freeze quicker that way. The larger the tub, the less time it has to freeze.


Less sunlight equates to a decrease in egg production. You can boost production by installing an LED light in the coop.


By spending time with your chickens outside before it gets too cold, you will be able to catch any health problems before they worsen. Listen to the way they breathe and watch for any changes in behavior.

Why Your Dog is Digging Up the Backyard and How to Stop it

Many dogs will dig up the backyard and ruin grass, plants, or fences. Specific dog breeds are more prone to digging than others such as Dachshund, Bedlington Terrier, Beagle, and Siberian Husky. They may do this for a number of reasons whether it’s their high energy, to cool off, the smell of buried food or rodents, or their instincts telling them to work. 




Sometimes if a dog is lacking certain nutrients, they will eat the soil in hopes to find the vitamins they are lacking. A less serious cause of eating soil is because their sense of smell is extremely sharp and they may smell leftover food in the soil. 


If there is a thunderstorm or loud sounds that your dog is afraid of, it may be digging as a way to escape due to their anxiety.




Your pup may be bored. Take your dog for a long walk or to the dog park to help it release any pent-up energy. You can play with your dog in the backyard with a toy as well. Keeping your pet active will not allow it to have idle time to start digging.


Some breeds dig into the earth because the temperature is too hot. To make sure your pup is not overheating, place an accessible water bowl in the yard so it can hydrate with cool water. Other options can be to buy a small pool for your dog to swim in or to bring your dog inside to cool off for a while.


If you don’t mind your pup digging in a designated area of the yard, you can create a digging zone just for them.

It’s important not to punish your dog for doing this because it is natural to them. By hindering their natural instinct, it can lead to a decrease in their overall well-being.