Society talk

Society and the media play a significant role in developing eating disorders and body dysmorphia. It’s more common now than ever to judge their worth by weight. Your happiness is also given away by giving your power to a number on the scale. Suddenly your entire life revolves around maintaining a certain weight or losing a certain amount. It can interfere with friendships, hobbies, and work and drain vitality. If you weigh yourself every day and are influenced by the number on the scale, you are setting yourself up for an unproductive day.

Avoid Stepping on the Scale

Start by choosing not to weigh yourself every morning or any time during the day. Simply retire your scale. Think about how it makes you feel bad or how it encourages disordered thinking or behaviors throughout the rest of your day. By retiring your scale, you are taking your power back. This is an act of self-love instead of self-hate.

Practice Self-Love

The scale becomes inconvenient when you fill yourself up with love and confidence. If you tell yourself you look good while looking in the mirror, you will feel good. If you continue to do what makes you feel your best, you won’t want to take out your scale. Your weight is simply a number. It does not define your accomplishments or how genuine and caring you are. It does not define your goals or what you enjoy doing. Instead, revolving your days around your scale makes you miserable by taking away the goodness in your life.

Make A Daily Self-Care Routine

Ask yourself what you need more of. Self-care should be part of your everyday routine. Make sure you are thinking positive thoughts about others and yourself. Do you need more time to relax? Do you need more hours of sleep? Or do you need more hours to do what you love, like visiting a museum, journaling, reading, walking in the park, or hanging out with your friends? Be good to yourself. It’s the best course of action to start living your healthiest and happiest life.

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