A Healthy Lifestyle Can Be Fun and Delicious

A healthy lifestyle consists of eating healthy foods and staying active. Sometimes it can be difficult for children to pick a food they enjoy besides the processed kind and with the advance in technology and video games, it can be hard to know if your children are getting enough physical activity. Here are a few ideas to take into consideration when it comes to achieving that healthy lifestyle.

A Healthy Diet Doesn’t Have to be Boring

There is a common myth that vegetables, grains, and fruits are bland and do not taste good. This is usually due to the fact that the meals are not seasoned enough or the excessive amount of processed foods that your taste buds are accustomed to. Try seasoning food with garlic, herbs, vinegar, soy sauce, Parmesan cheese, and roasting vegetables to achieve a delicious caramelized flavor. Sweeten vegetables with a slice of fresh apple or add raisins into a salad. The natural sugar that is in fruit will adequately fuel your child’s body while decreasing their urge for processed sugar.

Vital Nutrients for Kids

Protein, carbohydrates, calcium, fats, iron, folate, fiber, Vitamin A, and Vitamin C are essential nutrients for kids. Nuts, beans, dairy products, and meat are sources of protein that give the body energy, and carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, rice, and potatoes are another way that the body gains fuel. Tofu, broccoli, spinach, eggs, and ice cream are sources of calcium which is essential for healthy bones and strong teeth. Iron allows the blood to carry oxygen to the cells and red meat, poultry, beans, nuts, and whole grains are iron-rich. Folate is essential for healthy development and lentils, asparagus, chickpeas, kidney beans, and Brussels sprouts provide this nutrient. Fiber is essential for healthy bowel movements and nuts, seeds, lentils, and chickpeas are rich in fiber. Vitamin A prevents infections, keeps skin healthy, and cabbage, sweet potatoes, apricots, carrots, and squash are rich in vitamin A. Vitamin C holds the body’s cells together and papaya, cauliflower, oranges, tomatoes, melons, and mangoes are rich in vitamin C.

Exercise is Fun With Swimming

Swimming improves cardiovascular health, strengthens the lungs, and it is known to prevent diabetes and obesity as it burns a large number of calories. Since swimming is fun, kids don’t even know they are getting exercise and improving their overall health.  Exercising also makes you release endorphins which make you happy and when a child is swimming and playing in the water, it will release this chemical in their brain that will decrease the risk of anxiety, depression, and stress.

Other Ideas for Exercising

Playing tag, hopscotch, hula hooping, gardening, racing, playing sports and twister are other fun ways to get your children’s body moving while encouraging them to socialize. Schedule a time when everyone’s in a good mood and their responsibilities are taken care of to partake in any of these exercising ideas. You can even take it to the next level and reward your child every month for their activity progress.

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